Introduction to World Religions DSST
A Free Study Guide!

Name of Exam: Introduction to World Religions DSST
Number of Questions: Around 94 (varies)
Time Limit: 90 Minutes
ACE Recommended Passing Score: 400
Practice Test Available?: Yes - Click here
Quick Prep Sheet Available?: Yes - Click here
Cost: $80 + Sitting Fee (Usually no more than $20) at your testing site. Military can take DSSTs for free with Tuition Assistance. Check with your Educational Officer!
Difficulty 1-5 : 3
(One being the easiest, and five being the hardest)
Exam Description:
The Introduction to World Religions DSST covers what a student would learn during a college level Religions class. Specific religions covered may include Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Confucianism, and others. A firm understanding of the origins, beliefs, and terminology is expected.
Personal Thoughts:
I find this subject fascinating, so I really enjoyed studying for this exam. Regardless of your religious background, most of the Introduction to World Religion DSST boils down to memorization. Many religions share common belief systems, yet have small differences. Don't let these trip you up.
The good news is that there are few subjects with more online information than religion. People write about what they believe in, and there are many websites out there with all the information you'll need to pass this exam.
Exam breakdown:
Make sure you check out the Official DSST Fact Sheet for this exam.
Pay attention to the bottom of the fact sheet. It contains some sample questions that closely mimic the type of scenario-based questions you'll see on the actual exam.
The Introduction to World Religions DSST is broken down as follows:
18% | Christianity |
16% | Islam |
16% | Judaism |
10% | Buddhism |
10% | Hinduism |
08% | Religious Movements |
06% | Indigenous Religions |
06% | Definition and Origins of Religion |
06% | Confucianism |
04% | Taoism |
Areas of Study
I'm going to list some specific topics that you'll need to study.
Though there are different versions of the Introduction to World Religions DSST, you'll most likely see some of the following on your exam:
- Shintoism
- Major deity figures
- Religious leaders
- Origins
- Karma
- Dharma
- Sufi
- Sanscript
- Holy books
- Religious terminology
This is not a comprehensive list of topics! See below for even more details about what to study, and you can even pick up more subjects to research from our Quick Prep Sheet info page. Just scroll down to where I list some of the topics that we know you'll likely see on the exam.
Recommended Free Study Resources
- Minnesota State University Religion - This is a pretty good breakdown of the major religions. It doesn't include all of the ones that are required, but I like the terminology and history sections. You'll be tested on each so I'd use this.
- World Religions Wikipedia Entry - Ah wikipedia, how I love thee. Go down the list and hit the religions noted on the Official Fact Sheet for the Introduction to World Religions DSST. As always, history, terminology, and beliefs are what you're going to want to look at.
- Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance - A nice site on the different religions from a non-biased viewpoint. Look on the left hand side of the screen and drill down to the specific religions.
- Differences between East Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches - Trust me, you'll need ot know this for the exam. Just be able to spot the primary differences between the two.
- Snazzlefrag's Introduction to World Religions Study Guide - As always, a great resource to refresh after doing the initial study. Go through the other resources first, and then use this to really hammer home the material.
Recommended bargain-priced study resources
Always check your library first! You may be able to find some of these for free. You don't have to buy the officially recommended resources all the time. If you're the type of person that prefers to study from a textbook source however, then please see below.
Intro to World Religions Quick Prep Sheet - Our own Quick Prep Sheet for the Intro to World Religions DSST exam. Don't have time to look up all the above and watch the videos? We've done the work for you right here. A complete listing of all terms and definitions from our own feedback and what our readers have sent in.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to World Religions, 3rd Edition - A good place to start if you haven't had much interest in this subject to begin with. Keep in mind when reading the reviews that this is a sensitive subject. I'm recommending this for it's ability to prepare you for the Introduction to World Religions DSST, not for the veracity of the content. This is religion we're talking about, after all.
History of the World's Religions (12th Edition) - The DSST recommended book for this exam. It's probably safe to say that this book contains everything you need. The main issue I have with it is price. If you're going to spend this kind of cash on a resource, then pick up IC instead. It's got everything you need as well AND you can use it for more than one exam.
If you feel like you just "have" to get this book, then please check your library first or at least pick up a used copy. A new copy of this book, even on Amazon, is over $80.
InstantCert Academy Introduction to World Religions Specific Exam Feedback - Seven pages of targeted information for this exam. Also if you've subscribed, make sure you go through the Flashcards for Introduction to World Religions as well.
If you don't know what InstantCert is, then click here for the scoop as well as a discount code: **InstantCert Academy**
You'll find an InstantCert link for every exam here if that gives you an idea of the amount of information they have available. It's an outstanding resource.
Closing Thoughts
Fascinating stuff, but then again that may just be me. Religion is a touchy subject for a lot of people, and some are comfortable with reading about other religions and some people aren't. In order to correctly prepare for the Introduction to World Religions DSST, it's going to be a requirement. Keep that in mind if you're looking to approach this exam.
The Quick Prep Sheet for this exam breaks down the information for each religion well and covers everything that has been on the test for us and the visitors who have written in. If you're sticking to the free material, then I'd really go over the above sites and then use Snazzlefrag's study guide as a final refresh before taking the exam. This isn't a tough exam, but will require you to spend some time and effort on memorization.
Best of luck!
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