FTC Disclaimer
A visitor to the site was nice enough to clue me in on this so I'm taking his advice to heart. He even provided a link to these great disclosure graphics. (Thanks John!)
It seems the FTC now requires all bloggers to report how they receive money from their websites. I'm not really a blogger, but I figured it's better to be safe than sorry so here we go -
Free-Clep-Prep.com was not created to make money. I created this site to help others who want to learn about CLEP, DSST, ECE's, and all the other ways of earning college credits outside a classroom. I enjoy working on this for the sake of helping others, and financial motivation has never been my primary driver.
All that being said, the website does cost me quite a bit of money. At the time of this writing, I've dropped around 10k on various site-related things, like free study guide research, test web apps, question creation (for those web app), website logos, etc, etc, etc...
It all adds up, but don't cry for me, Argentina! I'm single, making decent money, and what I do spend on the website would otherwise be spent on something ridiculous like Xbox video games. At least this way I'm helping out my fellow man/woman.
For the record, I'd much prefer you find the resources I recommend at the library rather than buy them off of Amazon. One of the best things about CLEP and DSST exams is the money you save. You should try to save on the study resources, too. If you can't though, we do make a few cents when you click on the Amazon links. It's not much, but every bit helps offset costs. The same goes with InstantCert. When you use the discount code and save five dollars, we get a bit of money from that. I sleep at night because I firmly believe in the value of InstantCert and by knowing that without that discount code you'd be paying full price. Everyone wins.
Websites of this type are all about trust. I realize this, and I try to live up to that responsibility. If I recommend something on this website, it's because I've either A) Used it myself, or B) Trust the opinions I've heard about it. It's never about financial gain, and I've turned down some pretty lucrative offers in the past that didn't pass my personal morality test. If it's not in the visitor's best interest, it doesn't go on the website... Period (Interested advertisers take note)
Well, I hope that satisfies the FTC. If not, these great graphics from Louis Gray and artist Jeannine Schafer should do the trick. Just assume that the following is true for every link, product, or person that I recommend and we should be covered. ;)

If you have a website and want to use the graphics, please go ahead and do so. Just make sure to give the creators their credit!
Best of luck with your testing!