Free Clep Prep

A free resource for those preparing for CLEP, DANTES and Excelsior Examinations

Welcome to the Bragging Post!

So what is the Bragging Post? Well I don't know about you, but walking out of a testing center after a successful pass feels great doesn't it?

You just picked up credits for a fraction of the time and money it would have otherwise taken you! I love that feeling! Of course you're excited, and if you're like me you want to share that excitement! This was created to give you a chance to do just that.

  • Did you just pass an exam? Finish your last class? Go ahead and shout to the heavens, do the digital happy dance, and let everyone know how happy you are.
  • Maybe you need a little motivation? Haven't taken a CLEP exam or DSST before and are a bit nervous? Achievement is addictive! Read about other's success here and get pumped up!

Taken all together, this makes the Bragging Post a pretty cool place to be!

Now this isn't a forum. Think of this rather as a twitter on steroids. Instead of just a little "tweet" though, you get a full fledged page that others can comment on! The usual forum rules apply, so be courteous and no spam please. I vet all posts and have the quickest "Ban IP" trigger-finger in this here town.

Go ahead, brag a little!

Smoked an exam and want to bask in victory? Post here and let everyone hear about it!

Share your experience with the test, post some tips on study resources, whatever you like!

Past victory stories!

See what other test takers have to say! Click on the below links to read the entire post. Give 'em a "Grats!" or a "Thank you!" if they contributed something that helps!

CLEP Biology - 67 * College Composition - 65 * American Lit - 63 * Mathematics - 62* 
21 Credit Hours in 2 days!! Studied BIO the longest and scored the highest! The practice test and study guides on this site were invaluable. THANK YOU! …

CLEP Intro to Pyschology - 74 
Needed this for a general ed requirement -first degree was from a UK university and they simply don't compare-two days study with IC and was done in 35 …

Analyzing and Interpreting Literature... Perfect 80 
Feels nice to smoke a test again. I haven't since the SATs 10 years ago.

Financial Accounting 70!!! 
Just happy I passed, I am 45 years old and decided to get my degree - FINALLY.

Here's to Your Health - 445 
The Practice Test on your website was very helpful preparing for this test!

CLEP Intro to Psychology - 60 
Two more tests & one classroom class for Bachelor in Bus Administration with minor in Finance.

US Gov't - 55, US Hist I - 64, US Hist II - 65 
Did pretty well for only two days of study on each course. The Hippocampus and Cliffsnotes sites were great resources, in fact I have them saved to my …

Intro to the Modern Middle East DSST, 55 
Yay!~~Passed! :) This should hopefully be my Last test (28 total--18 CLEPs, 10 DSSTs, started testing Apr 09) ... awww (sniff sniff), it's been Fun! …

DSST Intro to Computing 475 
Well, studied my butt off for about 2 weeks, used any and all resources online as well as my TCN study guide and regular old notes and flashcards. …

Intro to Computing DSST, 461 
Everything said was exactly right about this test too -- level of difficulty, subject content -- thanks again for the great study guide and links and practice …

CLEP Introductory Business Law, 64!!! 
Super excited to have passed Business Law tonight!!! I was so nervous going into it I didn't eat all day. Took the Petersons practice tests and kept …

Rise & Fall of Soviet Union, 56 
All the doozy-reports were right on the nose for this test. There are exceedingly numerous questions that the answer is a choice of a combination of I, …

History I 64 
Everyone said this was an easy one, and I tend to agree! I studied for more than a month because I just couldn't get all the dates, battles, important …

World Religions DSST, 464 
Thanks again for the free-clep-prep study guide info -- everything said was right on the nose for the version I had! I studied Instantcert once thru, …

Technical Writing Dsst - Passed It! 
I passed this test today and I feel good! Real talk, I honestly studied two days before the test as well as the night before and briefly before the …

ALEKS driving me crazy! :) 
This wouldn't be a brag-thing, but a need-motivation thing. :) I'm undoubtedly losing all my previous hard-earned test-taking skills by fooling around …

Information Systems and Computer Applications - 75 
Used this site and the Peterson's free tests to prepare a little bit before taking. As mentioned, the exam is dated a little bit, and my version of the …

PRAXIS II (0014) (0435) (0069) 
I know most of you don't know what a PRAXIS exam is, but for the few interested it is the exam teachers have to take in most states to be able to teach. …

Human growth and development... 62 
Yay... Only did the practice tests your website led me to and passed no problem....

Intro Bus Law CLEP, 67 
Yaaaaaaaaay! Hey, is anyone theeeeeere?? :)

CLEP Calculus 70 
I took this yesterday morning, sure that my school would accept it. Got over there and they've changed their minds :(

College Algebra (57)!  
Math is not my strong subject so cleping math might have not been the best idea. Even after studying for 3 weeks and getting a 60-70% on the practice test …

College Math CLEP 63! 
I just passed the College Math CLEP with a score of 63 this morning! I owe it all to this website!! Four years ago I took a math class at a community …

College Mathematics CLEP Passed! 
So I'm in the Air Force right now working on my CCAF degree. The best way to get that finished up right now is CLEPing; and what better way to earn college …

Click here to write your own.

Natural Science 60 
Very glad that exam is over.

Management 63 
Studied the night before and that was it...honestly I felt like I was guessing on more than half of them but I must either be a really good guesser or …

I had been putting this one off for a year and finally made myself study for it. Two weeks and 20 pots of coffee later I walked out of the testing center …

DSST Technical Writing 
I took this exam this morning with only 2 days of study and walked out with 3 credits! I'm feeling on top of the world right now!!! This test was not …

Precalculus 54 
I'm so happy to finally be over with this clep! Thanks for the Peterson Practice Tests. It really helped a lot.

The Enviorment and Humanity DSST 56 
This translates to an A at Excelsior, yay!!!! Only about 6 hours of studying too.

Biology CLEP pass - 70 Not rated yet
I am a nutrition major, therefore I have some background in science, but have never taken biology. I Studied for a week and a half straight using the collegeboard …

Principles of Marketing 52 Not rated yet
Only got about 6 hours study time in and passed!

Analyzing and Interprating Literature passed! Not rated yet
It was scary weather with tornado warnings and I was a nervous wreck. I still was able to make a 60 with the help from this site. Thank you!

Here's to your Health ~ 455 Not rated yet
The test on this site really helped me prepare for this exam

Business Ethics and Society Pass! Not rated yet
Got another one today! SO happy!! Business Ethics and Society is extremely wordy..It almost put me to sleep...had to pinch myself and scream "focus" …

Interp. Lit 75! Not rated yet
Passed my first clep! And for the great price of free from uncle Sam, I couldn't be happier!

Spanish Clep/ 78 Not rated yet
Took the Spanish Clep on my birthday, passed it with a 78, and got the last 12 credits I needed to finish my degree...perfect day:)

Business Ethics And Society 458! Not rated yet
Last Test for upper level credit at COSC Graduating in May!!!

Social Sciences & History ~ 54 Not rated yet
I got er done!!!

Analyzing and Interpreting Literature - 72 Pass Not rated yet
Just took the test yesterday and passed with a 72.

College Mathematics 68 Not rated yet
This exam wasn't too difficult. IC flashcards are probably more than adequate to get through this exam. The Peterson Practice is not quite representative …

DSST Ethics in America 462 Not rated yet
I was very pleased with this site's practice tests for DSST World Religions, and I'm also going to be able to take these exams for what remains of my college …

CLEP Biology - 64 Not rated yet
For starters, this one's worth 6 credits! I was scared when I read the reviews of other people who said that the Biology test was really hard. I used the …

US History I - 71 and 54! Not rated yet
Two of my sons, ages 15 (Evan) and 14 (Aaron), took the US History I CLEP test on Tuesday (their first CLEP ever) and scored 71 and 54, respectively! I …

Here's to Your Health - Passed! Not rated yet
I passed Heres to Your Health with a 415 score on the test. Everything someone needs to know is in this website with the required information. This website …

Biology- 51 Not rated yet
Just passed Biology this past Saturday. I squeaked by with a score of fifty-one (The ACE recommends a score of fifty) but I PASSED!!!!! A note for anyone …

Business Ethics & Society - 430 Not rated yet
Got a 430 on the test today! Follow the advice on the appropriate page and be sure you have a good background of related coursework/tests including Human …

Info. Systems and Computer Apps 68 Not rated yet
And I'm a highschool freshman...

Intoductory Sociology 65 Not rated yet
Pretty easy, Used Petersons, wikipedia, and "pass your class" study guide. I have passed 7 of them this way. Scored 21 units in 3 months!! Yeah!!! Even …

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Humanities, 77 Not rated yet
Studied for a week with InstantCert and relied on general knowledge for the rest - was thrilled when I got the score!

biology 1 & 2 53 Not rated yet
This was my first CLEP I have ever taken. I took about two days of a biology course before I realized that it was going to be a class I was going to put …

American Government- 60 Not rated yet
This is supposed to be one of the harder ones and it was! Used Cliffnotes and the review links on this site. Know your Constitution and about the court …

Business Ethic & Society DSST - 466!! Not rated yet
Happy dancing indeed! Thanks for this resource, it was a great help.

CLEP Principles of Management - 64  Not rated yet
Two days of serious studying. Booyah.

Analyzing and Interpreting Literature Not rated yet
Hi Justin- I just passed my first CLEP test in Analyzing and Interpreting Literature, and received a score of 65! My suggestions to anyone preparing …

Criminal Justice 438 Not rated yet
The test was harder than I imagined it to be. I used Snazzlefrag's study notes as well as read over the cliff notes on criminal justice. I also used the …

Intro to World Religions DSST - Passed with a 454 Not rated yet
I actually felt prepared this time. I failed this exam first go round, but using this website helped me.

Principles of Supervision DSST - 432 Not rated yet
Got a 432 without study.

Fundamentals of Counseling DSST/59 Not rated yet

Ethics in America DSST --- 418 Not rated yet
Signed up for this and didn't even have a clue what it was about. Nor did I study. Easy test :)

Substance abuse - 414 Not rated yet
The test had a lot of terminology I wasn't ready for. I just knew I wana gonna fail, but I had studied a lot and that helped me know some of the terms. …

College Mathematics, 76 Not rated yet
I studied with Barron's 2008 CLEP book and the examples in the book were so much more difficult than the exam itself turned out to be. I walked in feeling …

Money and Banking DSST, 52 Not rated yet
Whoohoo! So happy to have passed Money and Banking thanks to all of the great information on FCP!!! :)

Natural Sciences 53 Not rated yet
I passed Natural Sciences....BARELY! I used the course from IStudySmart, SpeedyPrep, AND the info from this site. I had about 2000 flash cards memorized …

Natural Sciences Not rated yet
I went to work and decided that during my lunch hour I would go take a CLEP. I need a science for my degree and I hate all sciences so I decided to take …

Chemistry CLEP, 61/80 Not rated yet
I studied 15 hours for the Chemistry CLEP and passed :) I already knew most of the stuff though... Thanks!! This is the only source …

Spanish CLEP Test and obtained a 79 Not rated yet
This test was easy and it was in three parts. The first two parts consits of listening excersises with multiple choice questions on those. Make sure …

History of the Vietnam War DSST, 61 Not rated yet
Yay! Thanks again for the fcp study guide!! Again used the recommended Instantcert (best help in my opinion because it clued heads-up for some of …

College Math CLEP, 54 Not rated yet
It was the lowest score I've made out of 23 tests ... but just So GLad to have passed it! :) My math skills were so poor and extremely rusty that I …

Analyzing and Interpreting Literature - 64 Not rated yet
I want to say thanks to you Justin for having this site. I took and passed the Analyzing and Interpreting Literature test after studying the material on …

Business Math - 80! Not rated yet
My last DSST before graduating with a BSBA in General Management!! The perfect close to my degree. I used Instacert like my life depended on it. I …

Information Systems Not rated yet
I scored a 60 using only this service! Great Resource...Many thanks!

Analyzing and Interpreting Literature CLEP passed! Not rated yet
Ok I just passed.. barley but I passed. got a 55 raw and 50 ACE... Time is the enemy here.. you must be ready to read and work fast. I really ran out of …

Natural science(58) ,Introductory Psychology (60) Not rated yet
I studied for about 3 weeks for both of these and passed them both. It can be done !!!!! Natural science(58) Introductory Psychology (60)

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Biology 50 Not rated yet
I can't believe I actually passed this CLEP. I took it before I ever found this website, and seeing what is on this site for the study guide, I can't believe …

Took the test yesterday.. got a raw score of 60 and a ACE score of 50. Not pretty but DONE!!! Excelsior will give me a big 'P' as in Pass.. that is …

Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 77  Not rated yet
This is my highest score yet and I almost changed my mind that morning and canceled it because I didn't feel ready! There were very few (3-5) questions …

History Of the United States I Not rated yet
I just got done with this one and passed with a 69.

Natural Science - 60, HG&D 72, Intro to psychology 76, Analyzing & Int Lit 62 Not rated yet
4 cleps down in less than a month. Cleps are definitely the way to go to pick up credits. I am done with all my requirements and will graduate on time …

Humanities 65 Not rated yet
I studied for almost a month on this one. It wasn't as hard as I thought, I had time left over. Thanks for the help Justin.

Freshman College Composition-74 Not rated yet
I'm a high school senior, and I have never taken any advanced English classes. This was my first CLEP! The only studying I did was the practice tests on …

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